Hello there.

Aug 16, 2020

Welcome to the wonderful world of Dishboys, where the water is always warm, the soap always sudsy and the dishes are always eager to be cleaned.
You might be thinking “A podcast about dishes? Preposterous!” but no, rest assured, this podcast is of the utmost importance to the world. Everyone has to handle the dishes and we here at Dishboys firmly believe that all dishes should be washed by hand. The dishwashing machine is an enemy of mankind and has cost many dishboys and dishgirls their positions in the kitchens of this great land, thus disrupting the flow of employment and also impacting the environment in many negative ways.
We welcome you to join our hosts Jeff Gipson and Dick Killjoy on this educational and entertaining journey, where we speak with guests of great renown about the pleasures and joys of simply putting on some music, rolling up one’s sleeves and washing the dish.

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